King Squid is packed full of the very best and freshest ingredients available, this is a Rolls Royce of a fishmeal!

The base is a blend of low temp fishmeals, Krill meal, Mussel meal, organic garlic, Himalayan rock salt and wheatgerm and as much crushed squid and halibut pellet as we could get in! You could just mix that base with eggs, boil and we would comfortably take it anywhere and catch just in its basic form! But if you know us you know with dont do anything "basic."

So to compliment this incredible base we have added a huge amount of pure liquid Squid Hydro, pure liquid liver, Norwegian salmon oil, Haiths Robin Red, Betaine, Amino blend and more. And all this is rounded off with our stunning sweet plum. A true heavy hitter of a fishmeal that has caught some incredible carp all over France from highly pressured commercials to big wild publics.

If you are heading to France late this spring to mid Autumn the King Squid is a must! #kingsquid
